Sunday, September 11, 2011

Mystery Feet in Vancouver

 Wanna Hear something odd?... Do ya??? Well read on good people!

A strange occurrence is taking place in Vancouver... Peoples feet seem to be washing up on shore!

The first of the feet were found on Jedediah Island, northeast of Nanaimo, B.C. back in August of 2007.

The most recent discovery only dates back to a few weeks ago in August this year 2011!!! They report to have found the foot near Vancouver's Plaza of Nations.

Current map of found feet...
a lil close for comfort? .... Why yes!

It has attracted a lot of media coverage, both Canadian and American as the current total is at 11 feet, 3 of the feet washed up just into the states below the border!
Some of the theories behind the mystery feet are as obvious, as something fishy like a Serial killer. Another theory that they are found feet from jumpers off bridges, and being in a tennis shoe they will float down the inlet as the feet finally decomp and float to the surface.

If you ask me, if this was the case... wouldn't we have made DNA matches to those who have jumped. Why aren't other large cities with major bridge structures having the same mystery? Is Vancouver just a really active city and people tend to lose a foot on an afternoon jog?

I think in aftermath of our now infamous Pickton killings, just sitting back and having the police tell us that its just a coincidence and not actually giving us info isn't going to jive any longer. We tried that once, remember how well that worked out? Supposedly nearly 50 woman have slip through the cracks in just over 20 years. 
I think it's safe to say no one wants to sit back and see something like this happen again!

This link: has a good feed on what the Vancouver polices stance on the whole thing.. that they suspect no foul play.. REALLY? 11 feet in a few years just washing up is normal? Cooooooool. Hurmph!

I call shenanigans, you know... Just saying. Of course make your own minds up!

1 comment:

  1. I think its a coincidence that they are all washing up with just tennis shoes.
